Alpha-Bits are back?

According to Post, the new Alpha-Bits "is back with a great tasting formula that also has nutrients to support healthy brain development!" Must be so that they can spell better?
I can't speak for the cereal itself yet, but I like the new box!
Technorati Tags: cereal, Post, Alpha-Bits, breakfastbowl
First time visitor to your blog--- I had a great time!
Did you ever taste the sugarless Alpha-Bits they foisted on an unsuspecting public a few years back? YUCK! I am WAY glad they've brought back the original, tasty Alpha-Bits--I bought my first box today.
By the way, great blog!
These new Alpha Bits are the same sugarless crap, just without the warning! They may have brought back some sugar but not enough for that distinctly sweetened taste I remember. This stuff tastes like Cheerios now!
where can I find them? I was given a box at a mom blog party and we all love them. haven't found at local stores.
I've seen them at many stores. Try Wal-Mart.
the new box is terrible! i saw it in the store among all the kids' cereals and it just looks like they gave up on packaging entirely. kind of a disappointment, because there's so many fun things you could do with that box.
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