Monday, October 31, 2005

Bloggers and cereal

Last week cereal was a popular topic among bloggers. Here are some noteworthy examples:
Guapa*Tita warms her cereal in the microwave before eating.
Vaguely Obscure wonders why cereal companies don't make a cereal just with the marshmallows in it.
Carterpalooza reflects on his strong brand loyalty to certain cereals.
In thinking about Rome, Shakespeare's Sister wonders "what pesto cereal would taste like" [YUCK!]
Adjab is somewhat critical of the karaoke commercials for Yogurt Burst Cheerios.
inkycircus believes that lawsuits aimed at McDonald's for misleading nutrition advertising could be coming to the cereal industry.
Hector Vex's Infotainment features a "Cereal of the Week Club" highligting Quisp and Quake.
My boring ass life salivates over Fruity Pebbles
my life as a mouse reflects that the bowl she uses is determined by the cereal she chooses.

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