Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Cap'n goes late night

Just when you thought the drama over Jay Leno and NBC's Tonight Show was dying down, Quaker is entering the fray to go head to head with Leno, Letterman and Kimmel. Kind of.

Within the last month "The Cap'n Crunch Show" YouTube channel appeared, announcing a new episode "every other Tuesday at 11:35PM ET", exactly the time that the leading late night talk shows make their daily debut. The first episode appeared May 7th and was one minute and 29 seconds of senseless, animated drivel. I doubt that NBC, CBS or ABC have much to worry about. But, it does represent a fresh marketing idea from Quaker, who just two years ago were struggling to find a social media presence for the Cap'n despite the efforts of fans. Today the Cap'n Crunch is one of the leading brands engaging customers on Facebook and Twitter.

See for yourself what the "show" is all about:

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