Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Kids, don't tell your parents!
Maybe banks should send us cereal boxes?
Monday, August 29, 2005
The appeal of Cereal
"It's a reference point that's powerful," says David Roth, co-founder of Cereality Cereal Bar & Cafe. "Cereal is one of the first foods you eat."
For those reasons, cereal is among the most commonly bought items: According to the research firm ACNielsen, 95.5 percent of households purchased at least one cereal product in 2004.
Technorati Tags : Cereal, culture, breakfastbowl
Cereal party for adults
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Cereal advertising lies
Friday, August 26, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
The Breakfast Cereal Gourmet
At least, it used to be. Now, according to David Hoffman's new cookbook, The Breakfast Cereal Gourmet (Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2005, $14.95, hardback), it also can be for lunch, dinner and dessert.
This book goes beyond sprinkling cornflakes over a casserole. You'll find dishes such as Cap'n Crunch Crab Cakes, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Ice Cream and Lucky Charmed Utah Lamb, which uses Lucky Charms marshmallow pieces, balsamic vinegar and Dijon mustard to make a cereal-infused balsamic syrup. The baby-spinach side salad is garnished with toasted Lucky Charms oats.
Most of the recipes don't sound as if they have anything to do with cereal. Serve someone the Roasted Poblano Meatloaf, and he'd probably have no idea that it includes Corn Chex. Likewise, the person eating the Black Bean Burgers will be surprised to find out that Kix are part of the recipe.
The nature of the book makes it visually appealing. Cereal boxes tend to feature bright colors and cartoon characters, and much of the book includes photos of different boxes. You'll be able to revisit all your old cereal friends, from Toucan Sam to Count Chocula.
Even if you don't plan to cook, the book is worth reading for the trivia. Grape Nuts, it turns out, has one of the most misleading names in cereal-dom, because grapes and nuts have nothing to do with the product. It's made from wheat and barley. The inventor thought the name was appropriate because the cereal contained maltose, which he erroneously believed was grape sugar, and because the flavor reminded him of nuts.
And there wouldn't be a breakfast of champions if it weren't for a Minneapolis health clinician who spilled bran gruel on the stove. The gruel turned into a crisp flake, which he tasted and realized had potential. He took it to the Washburn Crosby Co., which developed it for market in 1921 and dubbed it Wheaties.
More information on the book can be obtained here.
Monday, August 22, 2005
The "2-Week Fiber Challenge"
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Even criminals like cereal
"Armed Man enters home, eats bowl of cereal, police say" from the Reno Gazette-Journal:
A man under the influence of drugs and looking for a free meal invaded a family’s home at gunpoint Thursday night, Sparks police said.
When police officers arrived at the home in the 2000 block of South Mackenzie Circle, they said they found Daniel Jeppsen sitting on the couch eating cereal and milk.
Technorati Tags: cereal, crime, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Admiral Crunch?
Click here to add your name to a petition to promote Cap'n Crunch to an Admiral.
Technorati Tags: cereal, Cap'n Crunch, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Cereal and culture
Here's a quote from the blog punkybrister69 reviewing a book, Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto by Chuck Klosterman:"The Lady or the Tiger" [essay] is an exploration of American individualism, consumerism, and peer pressure using cereal as a metaphor. And it totally works. Klosterman starts off with the development of cereal--a story I've heard before, but which I always find entertaining--and develops the idea that breakfast cereal is an American idiom. If you think about it, it really is. The marketing of cereal to children vs. adult-oriented marketing plays a part, of course, and the resulting analysis is hilarious, but eerily true. One of my favorite bits, concerning the Trix Rabbit:
"An inordinate number of cereal commercials are based on the premise that a given cereal is so delicious that a fictional creature would want to steal it. We are presented with this scenario time and time again. The most obvious is the Trix Rabbit, a tragic figure whose doomed existence is not unlike that of Sisyphus. Since the cereal's inception, the rabbit--often marginalized as 'silly'--has never been allowed to enjoy even one bowl of his favorite foodstuff, and the explanation for this embargo smacks of both age discrimination and racism (we are to accept that Trix is reserved exclusively 'for kids')." (p. 121)
In this essay, the public's relationship to breakfast cereal is likened to our relationships with others in society... AND IT WORKS. The argument may sound silly, but--if you think about it--a lot of us are who we are based on our relationship to pop culture.
Technorati Tags: cereal, culture, Klosterman, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Friday, August 19, 2005
Free Box of Cereal
General Mills has a special rebate offer running right now. More details here:
Technorati Tags: cereal, General Mills, rebates, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Bag or box?
NFO recently conducted a marketing survey regarding ceral packaging.
Here is what they found:
Survey Results - In a Bag or In a Box?
Dry cereal is a popular food item - no surprise there. A recent survey indicates that 87.5% of our members have bought dry cereal in the last six months and in most households it doesn't last very long -- 60% of respondents said a box of cereal lasts for two weeks or less.
Cereal manufacturers know their products are popular, but they continue to look to consumers for ideas about how to improve. Even for products that are consumed quickly, packaging preferences are an important consideration. Here are the cereal packaging preferences, from most to least popular, based on the same survey:
Type Of Cereal Packaging | % of Respondents |
Box with resealable inner packaging | 65% |
Resealable packaging with no outer box | 17% |
No preference | 10% |
Box with non-resealable inner packaging | 7% |
Box only, no inner packaging | 1% |
Technorati Tags: cereal, box, packaging, survey, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Cereal complaints
Not everyone's a cereal fan, and some people have some gripes.
Here's one from Bert's Blog: Tony the Tiger was a liar, lamenting over the wasted space in cereal boxes.
Technorati Tags: cereal, cereal boxes, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
What kind of cereal are you?
On the heels of yesterday's quiz, here's another one: What kind of cereal are you?
Hardly serious, but fun.
Here's my result:
Fruit Loops/Trix - Silly rabbit trix are for kids
u are a good combination of colors and fruits
making you brightm fun, happy and at the same
time under control. you enjoy doing things
w/friends and beign popular but you no when
some1 isn't being true and you have ur limits
making u a good person. u r the party of Lucky
Charms mixed with the wholesome essence of
What kind of cereal are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Technorati Tags: cereal, quiz, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Which cereal mascot are you?
Cool quiz at
Find out what cereal mascot you are like.
I'm Fred Flintstone!
You're the aggravated, aggressive Pebbles mascot, Fred Flintstone!
Which cereal mascot are you?
Technorati Tags: cereal, mascot, quiz, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Apple Jacks controversy
Kellogg's is facing negative publicity over a new Apple Jack's TV ad and website that disparages real apples. More reason that advertising targeted to children is coming under more scrutiny. Read more here.
Technorati Tags: cereal, Apple Jacks, Kellogg, advertising, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Cereal survey
The American Cereal Council (the cereal industry trade association) is looking for families with school-aged children to take part in a simple survey. They'll supply money for cereal and milk, and the families are to track their breakfast habits and impressions. Learn more here.
Technorati Tags: cereal, survey, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Monday, August 15, 2005
An excellent article from the South Bend [Indiana] Tribune that describes how
"Cereal lovers roar their passion for the crunchy stuff in testimonials, a cookbook and themed eateries"
Plus, some interesting stats:
Cereal sales
Technorati Tags: cereal, passion, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Cereal for breakfast 'boosts brain and belly'
A BOWL of cereal is being touted as the perfect brain food for children preparing to start back at school.
Welsh research has found that those who eat cereal every morning are more mentally alert and less tired than their non-breakfasting friends.
A bowl of cornflakes first thing in the morning has been found to boost alertness by 12% and cutmemory and attention span difficulties by up to 10%.
But the common breakfast cereal has also has long-term health benefits, including reducing the likelihood of suffering from stomach complaints.
Technorati Tags: cereal, Cereality, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Altering Alpha-Bits: Not as Simple as ABC
An August 11th article in the New York Times, "Altering Alpha-Bits: Not as Simple as ABC", explores some of these issues. Here are some key points:
Constructing healthy food is no easy task. Most modern foods are tightly engineered products that can fall apart when ingredients are taken out or added. Tinkering with the formula can alter the taste, the texture, the look and the way the food feels in your mouth, what food scientists call mouthfeel.
Consider what happened to Alpha-Bits this year when Kraft Foods decided to add more whole grains and remove all the sugar. Kraft's goal was to have a cereal that parents would not mind giving to children under 6 as finger food.
Unlike General Mills, which reformulated many of its cereals with 25 percent to 50 percent whole grains, Kraft was determined to make Alpha-Bits with 75 percent whole grains.
But raising the amount of whole oat flour made the product considerably bulkier than before, and the letters that came out of the machine, known as an extruder, looked a bit too chunky to be legible.
Additionally, the absence of a sugar coating caused the letters to break apart more easily. As a result, the new version of the cereal, which Kraft started selling this month, looks significantly different from the old version, which children have been eating for nearly four decades. The company says that its team of cereal scientists is working hard to resolve the product's "letter integrity" issues.
Technorati Tags: cereal, Alpha-Bits, nutrition, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Puffed Wheat recipes
There are many tasty treats that can be made with cereal. Here are two using simple puffed wheat, from the blog
Puffed Wheat Squares
Honey Cinnamon Puffed Wheat Squares
Technorati Tags: cereal, Puffed Wheat, recipes, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Cereal party, anyone?
Now, there's an idea!
From a blog, Wasps: "So after brining [sic] the car home last night Liz and I went to Laura's house to have a cereal party (where you bring your favorite cereal and share) ..."
Technorati Tags: cereal, party, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Cereal stories
Cereal is so much more than a food. For most of us it has been a daily part of our lives, rich with memories and impressions.
From time to time I will share stories from individuals of their memories and experiences with cereal. Here's one from the blog Bite the Pariah called "The Call of the Crunch Berry".
Technorati Tags: cereal, stories, Cap'n Crunch, Crunch Berry, BreakfastBowl, The Breakfast Bowl
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Welcome to The Breakfast Bowl
Pull up a chair, grab a bowl and spoon, choose your favorite cereal, and pour on the milk!
Join me in a fascinating journey into the food that shapes not only our bodies, but our culture as well!
Watch for a wide variety of personal memories and reflections, industry news, and related discussion.
And, be sure to leave your comments, as I'd love to hear from you!
Better get back to the cereal before it gets soggy...
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The Breakfast Bowl